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"Treating Herpes Naturally with Larrea Tridentata"

An Effective, Natural Remedy for

Herpes Simplex, Shingles, Chickenpox, Kaposi's Sarcoma, and Other Herpes Outbreaks

by W. Dennis Clark, Ph.D.

$10.00 + $3.97 s/h

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1. What Are Herpes Viruses?

Find out about the 9 types of Herpes viruses found in humans.

2. Who Gets Herpes and Why?

Everyone can harbor herpes viruses all of the time. Why do only some people have outbreaks?

3. Medical Treatment for Herpes.

Here youwill find basic information about the mainstream medical treatment for herpes. Also find out what kinds of treatment should be generally available, but aren't.

4. Larrea as a Modern Botanical Medicine.

Get an overview of the variety of applications that Larrea has been used for in modern times.

5. How Does Larrea Work?

Larrea has at least 3 known kinds of biological activity against viral infections. Find out how you can best take advantage of them.

6. How safe is Larrea?

Much ado has been made of the potential side affects on the liver of Larrea leaf powder when taken orally. Find out the truth behind this potential concern.

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